What is a Community Group?
Community groups are groups of 8-12 people who meet regularly in some one’s home for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. Members are from your area of town and are made up of people from all seasons of life.
How Do I Connect With a Community Group?
Come to GroupLink. This is an informal event where people meet and connect with others in order to start or join a small group. GroupLinks are held several times throughout the year so be on the look out for the next event.
Why Does Springbrook Do Community Groups?
We believe that this is the place where significant life change occurs. Small groups are where real life and real issues are discussed. This is the environment where we celebrate the successes and good times of life, as well as comfort one another during the tough and disappointing times. It is a place to be encouraged, equipped, and challenged to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
When Do Small Groups Meet?
Each small group decides when and where it wants to meet. We can help you find groups that are meeting on a particular night or in a certain area of the city and connect you with them.
How Often Do Community Groups Meet?
Some groups meet weekly and all groups meet at least every two weeks.
How Long Does A Community Group Last?
Many small groups form and immediately commit to meet for 12-24 months. However, we also offer Starter Groups which are an introductory step into group life that last approximately eight weeks. At the end of eight weeks, the group members can decide to continue as a small group and extend their commitment, or they can dissolve to find other group members. The length of time that your group will meet together is decided by your group.