
Dear Santa

Most of us are familiar with the classic lyrics that tell us “He’s knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for ...

Going It Alone

                                  .             ...


The Big “C”

                  -                -      -       ...


Advice For Our Next President

Imagine if you had the opportunity to sit down in the Oval Office, in front of the Resolute Desk on January 20, 2025, with ...


Living With Integrity

Dictionaries define Integrity as being ‘whole or undivided.’ And yet we’re living in a very divided culture and world. Personal opinions and views about nearly everything ...


Stepping Out In Faith

Scott Foshie, Guest Speaker

Join us in this one-week series as we go Stepping Out In Faith and discover what is truly important, and ...


Finding Your Next Step

Nearly all of us, if we’re honest, long for a sustainable pace; a pace where we can both enjoy life and make a difference ...


Learning The Hard Way

The one big question we should always ask ourselves when faced with a decision is,“What is the wise thing to do?” However, this leads ...



Tim Rhodus, Guest Speaker

The story of our lives is made up of countless stories being lived out, cataloged, and stored in our internal “library” ...


Making Right Decisions

Making decisions can be hard. Making right decisions is even harder. And the reason we postpone these kinds of decisions is because decisions have ...


The Basics

When we think about majoring in a particular field of study or playing a specific sport or taking lessons to play a musical instrument, ...


Heaven, Really?

Most people believe in the afterlife and most Americans believe in Heaven. In fact, most people believe Heaven is a good place, and most ...


Hush Money

All of us have heard the phrase that “money talks, “especially in the context of an important personal or business deal. And there’s no ...


Why Christmas?

There’s little doubt that we will soon be seeing social media posts and shirts that say, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” And while ...


Relational Repairs

Relational issues can happen anytime, yet for some reason relational tension seems to ramp up significantly during the holidays. The weeks leading up to ...


Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

In the classic animated Disney movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the wicked queen looks into her enchanted mirror and asks, “Mirror, mirror on the ...


Parenting Because It Matters

As a parent or someone who has helped raise a child, you understand the huge responsibility of investing to ensure they’re ready to navigate ...