Sundays @ 9:00 & 10:30 AM
Programming for Birth – High School @ 10:30 AM
When we think about majoring in a particular field of study or playing a specific sport or taking lessons to play a musical instrument, lots of things are important. Christianity is no different. There are a lot of seemingly important things to learn in following Christ, depending on who you talk to, or what church you attend. It doesn’t talk long to discover that not everything is equal in its importance. But how do we know which is the most important? In this new series, “The Basics,” we’ll explore what’s essential… and what’s not… when it comes to following Jesus.
03 Baby Steps
10 Directional Sign
17 Ugly As Sin
24 Justice and Liberty For All
31 The Apex
07 The One And Only
21 Let’s Go!
28 The Manual