Springbrook Community Church operates on the financial resources provided each week by gifts from members and regular attendees. For your convenience, there are multiple ways to give.
Online: This is one of the most convenient ways to give, since many people now use online services for payments of all types. We have recently switch our online giving platform to PushPay to make it easier to make your gift online. You can make either an individual gift or setup a recurring gift by clicking here.
Offering Boxes: There’s an opportunity to give every week at Springbrook using the offering boxes by the entrances to the Auditorium. Simply drop your offering envelope (located int he chair pockets/table caddy) in the box before or after the service.
Giving Kiosk: A giving kiosk is provided in the Lobby near the Warehouse for those who prefer debit/credit card gifts.
212 Campaign: The three-year capital campaign to help defray the cost of our new church facility officially ended in April 2014. However, those who have made a pledge and have not completed their giving are encouraged to do so until the pledge is complete. (Please indicate it is a 212 gift). If you have completed your pledge and/or never made a pledge but desire to give, please indicate your gift is for the 212 Campaign.
At Springbrook, our giving is motivated by our love for God and gratitude for what He has done in our lives. Thank you for the generosity and for being a part of the ministry of Springbrook as we reach our community for Christ!