All of us have seen those important initials after opening up an invitation to a party. Rarely, if ever do we receive requests that include an RSVP from strangers. These kinds of invites come because of our relationship to the sender. RSVP is a French phrase, “répondez, s’il vous plaît,” which means “please reply.” The person sending the invitation would like to know whether we accept or decline the invitation and courtesy compels us to let them know our intentions. In much the same way throughout the Gospels, Jesus invited people to Himself– and it was always followed by an RSVP. Join Pastor Matt for this 8-week series beginning Easter Sunday and discover what Jesus is inviting us to and what it means to accept His invitation.

16    Jesus’ Invitation
23 Take A Step
30  Courageous Faith

07  Dressed For Success
14 Pay Up
21 I Did It My Way

04  Lead Well
11  Decide